Native Texas Butterfly

Garden Talks – Advanced Monarch Butterfly Gardening

Are you familiar with the basics of gardening to support monarch butterflies? In this talk, we’ll go beyond the basics and help you learn advanced gardening techniques tailored to support their unique life cycle. Learn about creating a sanctuary that not only attracts these magnificent creatures but also nurtures them through each stage of their journey, from egg to butterfly. We’ll explore specific plant recommendations, garden designs, and conservation strategies essential for sustaining monarch populations. Pre-registration required.

Native Texas Butterfly

Garden Talks – Build Your Butterfly Magnet

Join us for our gardening talk, “Build Your Butterfly Magnet,” to learn how your garden can become a haven for butterflies and other beneficial pollinators. You’ll learn how to select the perfect plants to attract a kaleidoscope of butterflies to your space. Learn not just which plants to grow, but how to arrange them to create a thriving ecosystem right in your backyard. This talk will transform your view of gardens from mere spaces of beauty to vital refuges for some of nature’s most fascinating creatures. Pre-registration required.

Native Texas Butterfly

Garden Talks – Build Your Butterfly Nursery

Did you know that if you want to support butterflies, it’s important to give them food for all of their life cycles? In our upcoming gardening talk, we’ll teach you the basics of creating your very own butterfly nursery! We’ll help you select the perfect host plants to feed your fluttering visitors’ babies (caterpillars). This talk will deepen your understanding of the life cycle of these mesmerizing creatures and how to help your local ecosystems as a whole. Join us to transform your green space into a bustling hub for butterflies, where every plant is a step towards a more vibrant and life-supporting garden. Pre-registration required.

Native Texas Butterfly

Garden Talks – Butterflies 101

Join our presentation on the basics of gardening for butterflies. Learn about butterfly-friendly plants and how to create a welcoming habitat for them. Discover the secrets to attracting these beautiful pollinators to your garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this presentation will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to transform your outdoor space into a butterfly haven. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with nature and contribute to the conservation of these winged wonders. Pre-registration required.

Magical Moth Night

Gardening for Moths

Gardening for moths can be a rewarding and beneficial activity for both the environment and your garden. Join our immersive class, where you will learn how to create a moth-friendly environment that will attract a diverse array of these fascinating insects. From selecting the right plants to understanding their life cycle, our horticulturalist will guide you through the process of transforming your garden into a haven for moths. Moths play a crucial role in pollination and are essential for the ecosystem. By creating a moth-friendly garden, you can attract these beautiful creatures and help support their populations.

By participating in this class, you will not only enhance the biodiversity of your garden but also contribute to the conservation of these important pollinators. Imagine spending warm summer evenings surrounded by fluttering wings and delicate hues as moths visit your garden in search of nectar. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this class offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature in a new and rewarding way. Don’t miss out on this chance to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the often-overlooked beauty of moths – sign up now and let your garden come alive at night!

Pre-registration required.